Omotic people

Omotic people (Group)

Omotic / Omotik (Group of tribes)

The Omotic peoples are a cluster of people groups living between the lakes of the Great Rift Valley and the Omo River in southern Ethiopia.

Most of the Omotic peoples are hoe cultivators, raising ensete (a tropical plant in the banana family) at higher altitudes and other grains in the lowlands. They are also known for their animal husbandry and their skill as artisans.

The Omotic peoples are a cluster of people groups living between the lakes of the Great Rift Valley and the Omo River in southern Ethiopia. Most of the Omotic peoples are hoe cultivators, raising ensete (a tropical plant in the banana family) at higher altitudes and other grains in the lowlands. They are also known for their animal husbandry and their skill as artisans.

Countries where they are found are Ethiopia and Tanzania

Omotik (Sawas) language is a moribund Nilotic language of Kenya. It is spoken by the hunter-gatherer Omotik people of the Great Rift Valley among the Maasai; most of the Omotik population has shifted to the Maasai language.


Peoples within this cluster:

