The Moor (Maures), a people of mixed Arab-Berber descent, are a large, Sunni Muslim ethnic group of North Africa.
Since they are a migrating pastoral people, who move to find new pastures for their sheep, goats, cattle, and camels, it has been difficult to secure reliable population figures for them.
They are spread in some countries and their population accordind, 2023 are:
Although most Moors still live as pastoralists in their movable tents of animal skins and grass matting, many now live and work in towns and cities. A few Moors also raise dates, vegetables, and wheat at oases. They have been known historically for their proclivity to raid neighbors for animals and slaves.
Generally, the term "Moor" refers to any individual, regardless of race, speaking a Hassaniya dialect. Their traditional life was a nomadic one.
Today, Moorish society is divided into four major elements, based on race, lineage, and occupation. The black Moors, known as sudan, occupy the lower stratum of Moorish society and often live as slaves, even though the institution of slavery has been outlawed throughout North Africa. Those Moors with a heavy black African background living in towns and cities constitute a desper- ately poor urban proletariat. Most Moors are faithful to the Maliki school of Sunni Islam.